TIP#1.15 - Super Charge Your Metabolism For Faster Gains
Your default Metablic rate will be limited to your genetics. Some of us are born with very hyped up Metabolisms, making it easier to stay lean but also difficult to put on weight. Others, have gentically slower metabolisms, making weight gain easy and Fat Loss harder. No matter what your default setting is, you must do everything in your power to speed up your Metabolism - and keep it that way. A fast Metabolism does more than burn a lot of energy, it can decrease recovery time from an Intense workout. Training is the only stimulus that can change the size and shape of your muscles, so it makes sense to decrease recovery time in order to increase training Frequency and Intensity. Here are 5 Ways To Super Charge Your Metabolism For Faster Gains.

1. Stimulate Leptin
Leptin is described as the hormone that makes you feel full - chemically telling your brain that you've had enough food. The Hormone is important in regulating your metabolism, and levels dramatically reduce if you are on a restrictive diet. You must keep Leptin levels normal by stimulating it with a big hit of energy in one go. This does not mean 'bulk' up, as that will definitely lead to excessive Fat gain, but one day a week you can change your Macro Nutrient Ratio to include more Carbohydrate, to help increase energy intake for one day or one meal - This is known as a 'Cheat Day' or 'Cheat Meal'. Ghrelin is Leptin's 'opposite', telling you to eat more and slowing your Metabolism - and it rises as calories become restrictive. Ghrelin levels will drop when Leptin is adequately stimulated, so a good Cheat meal can reduce hunger pangs as well.
2. Do Not Cut Out Carbohydrate Completely
Although a very low Carb diet is fine when Nutrient intake in general is in the surplus, it can be detrimental to your Metabolism when you are on a restrictive diet. Typically (and controversially) Carbohydrate levels can be higher while 'cutting' than while trying to gain muscle. In order to preserve Metabolic speed, Carbohydrate should always be included no matter what when trying to achieve your best body composition. Although Carbohydrates are not vital for health, they can be a useful tool when trying to control Metabolism through the rigours of Training. As a rule they should never be above 25-30% of your total nutrient ratio, and never below 5-10%. If your Carb intake is nearing 40-50% or higher chances are that you will gain fat quickly, and possibly reduce Insulin sensitivity along the way.
3. Walk Every Morning Before Breakfast
Contrary to popular belief, eating breakfast the minute you wake up is not the best way to stimulate your metabolism. In fact, activity has always been the No.1 way to increase Metabolism. Being active on an empty stomach forces your body to obtain energy from stored energy, thus mobilising hormones to prepare stored energy for use - a typical 'Metabolic' effect. Breakfast should always be eaten however, but leave it until 1hr after waking and after a morning walk.
4. Increase Training Intensity by Reducing Rest Periods
Reducing rest periods while in the gym will increase the Metabolic effect of the workout itself, meaning more energy burned while in the gym. This provides a new stimulus for your nervous system, and a bonus charge for your Metabolism and recovery speed. Ultimately, you will create more muscle damage when increasing the Intensity of your workout, and this is what will turn into muscle growth through optimal recovery and nutrition. Aim for 45seconds rest between sets for Upper Body + Calves, and 60-90seconds for Legs.
5. Treat Every Nutrient Equally
Although no calorie is created equal, every nutrient plays its own role in your fitness journey. When your body is in need of something, listen to it. If you are craving a food, your body will probably benefit from eating it. If you are craving something sweet, choose the healthiest option and go for it. No-one can get in shape only eating pizza and icecream so always keep to your general nutrition plan structure, occasionally indulging in your cravings as and when your body tells you. This will help you become more instinctual with your nutrition and help you learn more about how your body reacts to what you give it. Metabolism is always optimal when you are not starving yourself.
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Thanks So Much For Reading!
Matt The Trainer
Personal Trainer London